Uroflowmetry & Urodynamic Study

uroflowmeter britannia english medical dental centre calpe urologist


Measures Urine Speed & Volume
This examination provides basic evaluation and Understanding of Urine Flow measuring urine speed & volume.
In this patient has to simply pass urine in a funnel-shaped Container.
This simple test can reveal a lot of information about the underlying cause of urinary trouble.
A uroflow meter automatically measures the amount of urine and the flow rate-that is, how fast the urine comes out. You may be asked to urinate privately into a toilet that contains a collection device and scale. This equipment creates a graph that shows changes in flow rate from second to second so the doctor can see the peak flow rate and how many seconds it took to get there. Results of this test will be abnormal if the bladder muscle is weak or urine flow is obstructed.

Urodynamic Study

Most advanced test for functional assessment of Urinary Bladder
Urodynamic is a study that assesses how the bladder and urethra are performing their job of storing and releasing urine. Urodynamic tests help your doctor see how well your bladder and sphincter muscles work and can help explain symptoms such as

Urine leakage/ Incontinence
Frequent urination
A sudden, strong urge to urinate
Problems starting a urine stream
Painful urination
Problems emptying your bladder completely
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Seeing Your Doctor or Nurse
The first step in solving a urinary problem is to talk with your doctor. He or she should ask you about your general medical history, including any major illnesses or surgeries. You should talk about the medicines you take, both prescription and non-prescription because they might be part of the problem. You should talk about how much fluid you drink a day and whether you use alcohol or caffeine. Give as many details as you can about the problem and when it started. The doctor or nurse may ask you to keep a voiding diary, which is a record of fluid intake and trips to the bathroom, plus any episodes of leakage.
If leakage is the problem, the doctor may ask you to do a pad test. This test is a simple way to measure how much urine leaks out. You need to weight a dry pad you normally use and put all the used pads into a plastic bag to weigh them at the end of the 24 hour period.
A physical exam will also be performed to rule out other causes of urinary problems. This exam usually includes an assessment of the nerves in the lower part of your body. It will also include a pelvic exam in women to assess the pelvic muscles and the other pelvic organs. In men, a rectal exam is given to assess the prostate. Your doctor will also want to check your urine for evidence of infection or blood.
Preparing for the Test
If the doctor recommends bladder testing, usually no special preparations are needed, but make sure you understand any instructions you do receive.
Taking the Test
Most urodynamic testing focuses on the bladder’s ability to empty steadily and completely. It can also show whether the bladder is having abnormal contractions that cause leakage. Your doctor will want to know whether you have difficulty starting a urine stream, how hard you have to strain to maintain it, whether the stream is interrupted, and whether any urine is left in your bladder when you are done. The remaining urine is called the postvoid residual.
After the Test
You may have mild discomfort for a few hours after these tests when you urinate. Drinking a glass of water each half-hour for 2 hours should help.
If you have signs of infection including pain, chills, or fever contact your specialist or family doctor.
Getting the Results
Results for simple tests can be discussed with your doctor immediately after the test. Results of other tests may take a few days. You will have the chance to ask questions about the results and possible treatments for your problem.
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