अगर निकालना है किडनी का स्टोन तो रोज पिएं बियर? मिथक एवं सही राय

By Dr Aditya Sharma क्या बीयर से किडनी स्टोन ठीक हो सकते हैं? मिथक और सही उपाय यह एक आम धारणा है कि बीयर या शराब पीने से किडनी स्टोन घुल सकते हैं, पर विज्ञान इस बात का समर्थन नहीं करता। वास्तव में, शराब पीने से डिहाइड्रेशन (पानी की कमी) हो सकता है, जिससे किडनी […]
Can Beer Really Dissolve Kidney Stones? Myths, Facts, and Proven Solutions!

By Dr Aditya Sharma Alcohol and Kidney Stones: Separating Myths from Effective Treatments While there’s a popular myth that drinking beer or alcohol can help dissolve kidney stones, scientific evidence doesn’t support this claim. In fact, alcohol may lead to dehydration, which can worsen kidney stones, and there are far better ways to manage or […]
Renal Cell Carcinoma: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention
Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) is a formidable adversary, a type of kidney cancer that originates within the renal tubules. While it can affect individuals of any age, it predominantly targets adults. Early detection plays a pivotal role in ensuring effective treatment and improving the prognosis. Recognizing the symptoms of RCC is crucial for prompt intervention. […]